• LianBio 联拓生物办公空间

    LianBio Shanghai Office

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    获 2023柏林设计奖 金奖

    2023 Better Future Berlin Design Awards, Gold

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    获 2022美国IDA 设计大奖 荣誉奖

    2022 International Design Awards, Honorable Mention

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    获 2023 DNA 巴黎设计奖 荣誉奖

    2023 DNA Paris Design Awards, Honorable Mention

    上海 浦东新区 嘉里城

    650㎡ / 2020建成 / EPC -设计与工程总包


    设计团队:石溪 王潇雅 邓泽旭 黄佳琦

    施工管理团队: 徐超 王潇雅 朱银燕 徐昀










    LianBio’s Shanghai office takes elements of biomedical science as the design concept, forming an organized and organic space. In addition, entering from the center, the circulation is diffused into two wings, and a dynamic-static and public-private spatial sequence has been created. The enclosed area is like an arrangement of cells, and the open workstations and furniture are molecular sequences. Meanwhile, the transparency of materials and the utilization of green plants serve to maximize the potential of the spatial structure and create a calm, futuristic aesthetic with biotech themes.