• 博泰车联网总部空间

    PATEO Headquaters

    上海市 虹口区

    2,800㎡ / 2023设计 / 设计方案


    设计团队:石溪 杨术 俞思民 黄佳琦 刘志鹏







    PATEO is experiencing rapid development in the field of automobile intelligence. The company aims to shape a new corporate headquarters space in the North Bund of Shanghai.


    The design concept revolves around "Engine x Ecology," creating a space of futuristic and intelligent industrial era. The company's core principles of 'INNOVATION,' 'INTEGRATION,' and 'INTERGRATION' are translated into three distinctive spatial features — display space, communication space, and decision-making space. These form the engine of spatial energy, leading the way for the enterprise and the ecology of the intelligent automotive industry.